Advance Certificate in Cardiac Care Technician
Advance Certificate in Cardiac Care Technician

Table of Contents
Here is complete details about the course, contents, duration, eligiblity and other important aspects. Every student will get the ‘Student Kit’. You can see the list of facilities in Student KIt below.
About Course: Advance Certificate in Cardiac Care Technician
- Candidate should have basic communication skills, reading and writing skills
- Candidate should have writing skills in English and local language
- Candidate should have knowledge of recording and keeping records
- Basic Computer Skills: Candidate should have the eligibility to review the records and input in digital format using medical software.
Cardiac Care Technician (CCT) is a health care specialist who supports cardiologist in diagnosing and treatment of ailments of the human heart. Cardiac care technician in the health Industry is also known as a cardio graphic technician or cardiovascular technician.
Individuals in this job assist in performing invasive and noninvasive diagnostic examinations and therapeutic interventions of the heart and/or blood vessels at the request or direction of a provider.
Subject 1
| Working with patients’ heart beat rate and rhythm using electrocardiogram (ECG) ·        Set the room for taking the ECG readings ·        Attach, connect and operate electrodes from specified body areas to leads ·        from the electrocardiograph machine ·        Review the patient’s record and instructs patients prior to procedures ·        Set the ECG machines and explain the ECG procedures clearly to the patient ·        Monitor the patient during procedures and report any abnormal findings ·        Edit and forward results to attending physician for analysis and interpretation ·        Maintains ECG equipment and supplies |
Subject 2
| Work with treadmill test (TT) to assess cardiovascular response ·        Take consent from patient base on ECG results ·        Prepare patient for test ·        Ensure patient identification and review indication for the procedure ·        Take pertinent patient history including cardiac risk factors and medications ·        Explain purpose and procedure to the patient and clarify requirements of them ·        for the test ·        Continually observe the patient’s condition and reactions, monitor ECG and take ·        required measurements and recordings, at intervals appropriate to patient’s ·        symptoms and/or test protocol ·        Assist in evaluating test results |
Subject 3 | Assist cardiologist in assessing cardiac structure and function using cardiac ultrasound ·        Ensure patient identification and explain procedure to the patient ·        Record patient’s demographic data and vitals ·        Activate machine, calibrate if required ·        Know about heart function and anatomy ·        Prepare patients for ultrasound |
Subject 4 | Work and assist with transesophageal cardiac ultrasound studies ·        Ensure patient identification ·        Obtain patient’s informed consent if required as per the protocols ·        Review indication and explain the procedure and requirements to patient ·        Arrange the set up for a transesophageal ultrasound ·        Assemble tray for procedure, including intravenous setup, and draw up medication as required |
Subject 5 | Assist with pericardiocentesis procedure by echocardiography ·        Ensure patient identification and obtain patient’s informed consent ·        Explain the indication for the test and the procedure to the patient ·        Set up pericardiocentesis tray |
Subject 6 | Assist with implant of pacemakers by establishing lead integrity ·        Confirm identity of patient ·        Explain procedure and have patient sign informed consent ·        Prepare table and assist in patient transfer ·        Follow the instructions to determine the type of the lead to be used |
Subject 7 | Work and Assist with insertion of temporary pacemakers ·        Ensure patient identification ·        Explain procedure and take informed consent ·        Prepare table and assist in patient transfer ·        Ensure that a defibrillator and other resuscitation equipment are immediately ·        accessible ·        Ensure that strict aseptic technique is used like using a mask, gown and gloves |
Subject 8 | Demonstrate proficiency in using equipment ·        Prepare the cardiovascular equipment and hemodynamic monitoring system in preparing for various diagnostic procedure treatment ·        Prepare the physiologic and analytical equipment during diagnostic and therapeutic procedures performed by the physician ·        Assists in the performance of diagnostic cardiac equipment ·        Interpret pressure waveforms and operates all physiological recording equipment o  Perform procedures on equipment such as: o  Calipers o  Computers/keyboards/databases o  Single-channel and three channel electrocardiographs o  Ambulatory ECG recorder/monitor o  Ambulatory ECG analysis systems o  Oscilloscopes o  Treadmills and stress system recording devices o  Ergometer and bicycle o  Digital, mercury, aneroid o  Sphygmomanometers o  Oxygen saturation devices o  External pacemakers o  External defibrillators o  External pacing systems o  ECG management systems o  ECG/BP computer systems o  Simulators o  Intravenous pumps o  Tilt table o  Stethoscope o  Resuscitation cart o  Trans telephonic recorders o  Oxygen regulators o  Suction devices o  Ambulatory blood pressure recorders/monitors o  Pacing leads o  Esophageal pacing leads |
Subject 9 | Ensure availability of medical and diagnostic supplies ·        Maintain adequate supplies of medical and diagnostic supplies ·        Arrive at actual demand as accurately as possible ·        Anticipate future demand based on internal, external and other contributing ·        factors as accurately as possible ·        Handle situations of stock-outs or unavailability of stocks without ·        Compromising health needs of patients/ individuals |
Subject 9 | Behavior, Discipline & limits of one’s competence and authority ·        Adhere to legislation, protocols and guidelines relevant to one’s role and field of practice ·        Work within organizational systems and requirements as appropriate to one’s role ·        Recognize the boundary of one’s role and responsibility and seek supervision when situations are beyond one’s competence and authority ·        Maintain competence within one’s role and field of practice ·        Use relevant research-based protocols and guidelines as evidence to inform one’s practice ·        Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times ·        Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of practice ·        Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing Improvements |
Subject 10 | How to work effectively with Team ·        Communicate with other people clearly and effectively ·        Integrate one’s work with other people’s work effectively ·        Pass on essential information to other people on timely basis ·        Work in a way that shows respect for other people ·        Carry out any commitments made to other people ·        Reason out the failure to fulfil commitment ·        Identify any problems with team members and other people and take the initiative to solve these problems ·        Follow the organization’s policies and procedures  |
Subject 11 | Importance of Safe and secure environment ·        Identify individual responsibilities in relation to maintaining workplace health safety and security requirements ·        Comply with health, safety and security procedures for the workplace ·        Report any identified breaches in health, safety, and security procedures to the designated person ·        Identify potential hazards and breaches of safe work practices ·        Correct any hazards that individual can deal with safely, competently and within the limits of authority ·        Promptly and accurately report the hazards that individual is not allowed to deal with, to the relevant person and warn other people who may get affected ·        Follow the organization’s emergency procedures promptly, calmly, and efficiently ·        Identify and recommend opportunities for improving health, safety, and security to the designated person ·        Complete any health and safety records legibly and accurately |
Subject 12 | Performing duties with Code of Conduct ·        Adhere to protocols and guidelines relevant to the role and field of practice ·        Work within organizational systems and requirements as appropriate to the role ·        Recognize the boundary of the role and responsibility and seek supervision when ·        situations are beyond the competence and authority ·        Maintain competence within the role and field of practice ·        Use protocols and guidelines relevant to the field of practice ·        Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times ·        Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and patient safety ·        Maintain personal hygiene and contribute actively to the healthcare ecosystem |
Subject 13 | Biomedical Waste Disposal System ·        Follow the appropriate procedures, policies and protocols for the method of collection and containment level according to the waste type ·        Apply appropriate health and safety measures and standard precautions for infection prevention and control and personal protective equipment relevant to the type and category of waste ·        Segregate the waste material from work areas in line with current legislation and organizational requirements ·        Segregation should happen at source with proper containment, by using different color-coded bins for different categories of waste ·        Check the accuracy of the labelling that identifies the type and content of waste ·        Confirm suitability of containers for any required course of action appropriate to the type of waste disposal ·        Check the waste has undergone the required processes to make it safe for transport and disposal ·        Transport the waste to the disposal site, taking into consideration its associated risks ·        Report and deal with spillages and contamination in accordance with current legislation and procedures ·        Maintain full, accurate and legible records of information and store in correct location in line with current legislation, guidelines, local policies and protocols |
Subject 14 | Infection Control Policies and Protocols ·        Preform the standard precautions to prevent the spread of infection in accordance with organization requirements ·        Preform the additional precautions when standard precautions alone may not be sufficient to prevent transmission of infection ·        Minimize contamination of materials, equipment and instruments by aerosols and splatter ·        Identify infection risks and implement an appropriate response within own role and responsibility ·        Document and report activities and tasks that put patients and/or other workers at risk ·        Respond appropriately to situations that pose an infection risk in accordance with the policies and procedures of the organization ·        Follow procedures for risk control and risk containment for specific risks ·        Follow protocols for care following exposure to blood or other body fluids as required ·        Place appropriate signs when and where appropriate ·        Remove spills in accordance with the policies and procedures of the organization ·        Maintain hand hygiene by washing hands before and after patient contact and/or after any activity likely to cause contamination ·        Follow hand washing procedures ·        Implement hand care procedures ·        Cover cuts and abrasions with water-proof dressings and change as necessary ·        Wear personal protective clothing and equipment that complies with Indian Standards, and is appropriate for the intended use ·        Change protective clothing and gowns/aprons daily, more frequently if soiled and where appropriate, after each patient contact ·        Demarcate and maintain clean and contaminated zones in all aspects of health care work ·        Confine records, materials and medicaments to a well-designated clean zone ·        Confine contaminated instruments and equipment to a well-designated contaminated zone ·        Wear appropriate personal protective clothing and equipment in accordance with occupational health and safety policies and procedures when handling waste ·        Separate waste at the point where it has been generated and dispose of into waste containers that are color coded and identified ·        Store clinical or related waste in an area that is accessible only to authorized persons ·        Handle, package, label, store, transport and dispose of waste appropriately to minimize potential for contact with the waste and to reduce the risk to the environment from accidental release ·        Dispose of waste safely in accordance with policies and procedures of the organization and legislative requirements ·        Wear personal protective clothing and equipment during cleaning procedures ·        Remove all dust, dirt and physical debris from work surfaces ·        Clean all work surfaces with a neutral detergent and warm water solution before and after each session or when visibly soiled ·        Decontaminate equipment requiring special processing in accordance with quality management systems to ensure full compliance with cleaning, disinfection and sterilization protocols ·        Dry all work surfaces before and after use ·        Replace surface covers where applicable ·        Maintain and store cleaning equipment |
Subject 15 | Quality and Standards ·        Conduct appropriate research and analysis ·        Evaluate potential solutions thoroughly ·        Participate in education programs which include current techniques, technology and trends pertaining to the dental industry ·        Read Dental hygiene, dental and medical publications related to quality consistently and thoroughly ·        Report any identified breaches in health, safety, and security procedures to the designated person ·        Identify and correct any hazards that he/she can deal with safely, ·        competently and within the limits of his/her authority ·        Promptly and accurately report any hazards that he/she is not allowed to deal with to the relevant person and warn other people who may be affected ·        Follow the organization’s emergency procedures promptly, calmly, and efficiently ·        Identify and recommend opportunities for improving health, safety, and security to the designated person ·        Complete any health and safety records legibly and accurately |
Assessment Instructions
- Assessment mode is online.
- Final assessment will be based on objective type/true-false/matching type questions.
- Minimum Passing Marks is 50%
- Student will get 3 credits for re-attempt.
- Student will get a Certificate of Completion after pass online assessment.
- Student must have to carry the admit card in exam, issued by the Auth. Training Center.
- Result will be declared in 24 hours to 1 week after examination.
- Student can the detailed answer sheet of examination on request.
Every Student will get
- Admission Form and Prospectus
- Identity Card
- ISDM E-Library Access
- Free Registration worth Rs. 2500/- on Job Portal JobFixer for Job Placements
- Online Classes/Video Lectures with lifetime access (Only in some courses)
- Certificate of Completion