Service and Support Policy

Table of Contents
Service and Support Policy of ISDM. We Provide the following Services to the Clients
- To provide ISDM EdTech business model to the Institute who are providing Computer/IT/Vocational/Skill Development Courses.
- ISDM has its own designed courses and study material which is effectively growing the knowledge and subjective intelligence of students.
- ISDM has many types of Courses i.e. Computer/Multimedia/Soft Skill/Hardware and Networking/Skill Development etc.
- An Institute that are new or existing in the market and don’t have enough experience, can take the franchise from ISDM. ISDM appoints its tools and techniques to the franchisee.
- An Institute that has limited resources and a lack of Investment, they also take franchisee from ISDM. It helps to run and grow faster.
- ISDM provides Online Insitute Management Software to the Franchisee to manage the various activities of the Training Center. For Example Inquiry, Attendance, Admissions, Exams, Results, Accounts, E-Communication, Promotion, etc.
- Students will get the Online Test Series Panel/Portal without any extra cost. It helps those students who are preparing for Govt Jobs or Competitive Exams. It also useful to create an Online Test of Subjects.
- ISDM is EdTech Startup with all necessary facilities for the Institute which is very important to run the Educational Services in the Current Market Scenario.
- We Provide the Startup Kit (Either in Soft or Hard Copy Form). Start-up Kit will help the Institute/Center for Operational and Promotional activities.
- ISDM has its 200+ Courses but Institute will allot the courses according to its expertise, facilities, infrastructure, and geographical market.
- ISDM provides certification of completion to the student who completed its study form Authorised Franchisee and Passes the Examination with minimum marks.
- Every Student will allot two credits for Reappear in Examination. The separate Reappear Fee will be charged from the Students in case of Reappearing.
- Online Courses are also provided form ISDM. These courses will completely be designed and delivered from Head Office. The Fees and Charges for Online Courses will be different and excluded from Regular Franchise in Offer Scheme.
- Sharing Ratio of Online Courses between Head Office and Franchisee is 70:30 where Head Office share is 70% and Franchisee Share is 30%.
Support Policy
- All Queries/Issues will be resolved by written communication only. Clients will email us at
- The Telephonic Support for other Facilities will be available from Monday to Friday between 10:00 AM to 04:00 PM.
- Institute will be provided with SOA Panel for Register and manage their Students and Academic Activities.
- ISDM will provide Study Material to the Students in the form of Soft Copy on SOA
- I Card, Syllabus, Notice, Admit Card will be available 24×7 on Student SOA
- Fees Receipts and Accounts will also available 24×7 on Students SOA
- Institute can create Unlimited Test Series from SOA Panel.
- Students can attempt an Unlimited Test, Preparation, and Exam from SOA.
- Institute will be able to send Emails, SMS, and Notices through SOA.
- Institute will be able to manage Inquiries form SOA.
- ISDM will take all Exams Online Through Its Exam Portal.
- Results will be declared and visible within 5 to 10 Minutes after the Exam.
- Hard Copy of Certificates will be delivered through Postal Order/Parcel/Courier within 15 Days of Exam.
- Fail Students will not get Certificate, Result can be download in soft copy only.
- Institute will get Institute Wallet on SOA Panel. Institute will use Wallet in payment of Student Registration Fee or other Service Charges.
- Franchisee will pay Student Registration Fee in Prepaid Mode by Recharging its Institute Wallet. It means If any Institute wants to add one student then It will Recharge Its Wallet. Registration Fees will be deducted automatically when the Institute will add students.
Terms in Free Franchise / Franchise in Offer
- Start up Kit will be provided in Soft Copy. It will be downloadable from SOA.
- Validity of Free/Offer Franchise, will be One Year
- The other Support and Service Terms will remain same.
Training and Development – Regular Franchise
- ISDM will Provide the Telephonic, E-Training, and Virtual Training (Any Desk, Team Viewer) of following operations:
- Training of Branding Material Utilization
- Training of Inquiry Management
- Training of SOA Panel of Institute
- Training of SOA Panel of Student
- Training of Exam Panel
- Training of various operational activities i.e. study, exam, results, test, ranking, events, etc.
Training and Development – Master Franchise
- Master Franchisee will be given Telephonic, E-Training, and Virtual Training (Any Desk, Team Viewer) of the following operations:
- All Training mentioned for Regular Franchise and additionally,
- Using Digital Marketing Tools
- Lead Generations and Business Development
- Tele-Calling and Reporting
- Dealing with Clients
- Branding and Social Promotion
- Financial norms and Revenue System
- Pre and Post Services to Clients
Operational Portals
Study, Operations and Academic Activities (SOA) Panel
- All Regular Franchise, Master Franchise, and Student will manage all activities through SOA Panel.
- URL of SOA panel is
- SOA Panel Includes Following Services:
- Inquiry Management
- Admission and uploading documents of Students
- Generate Student Login ID and Password
- Providing Study Material to the Students
- Manage E-Library
- Manage Daily Classes, Attendance, Study, etc.
- Student Fees Management.
- Fee Receipt to Student
- Accounts and Reports
- Manage, I Card, Admit Card, Exam, Results
- Communication with Students
- Online SMS
Assessment, Practice & Reporting (APR) Panel
- URL of APR Panel is
- Training Institute can Create the Test Series for Students in all forms.
- Student will attempt the Test prepared by Institute.
- Institute and Student both will be able to analyse the results.
- Detail aspects of Results will be generated like, Timings, Wrong Question, Strong Subjects, Weak Subjects etc.
- Student Rank will be generated automatically after Assessment
- Institute Ranking and National Ranking will be shown on Rank Board.
- Final Assessment will be conduct by Head Office on the same portal.
Job Placement and Employment (JEP) Portal
- URL JEP Portal is
- Corporate from all over India connect through this portal.
- ISDM will not charge any extra Fee from the students for JEP.
- The student will register online and can get the benefit for 1 Year.
- The Students outside of ISDM do not allow to Register Free. They have to buy a Job Pack.
- Students can register, apply, and connect with thousands of Corporates from JEP.