Professional Certificate in Dental Assistant

Here is complete details about the course, contents, duration, eligiblity and other important aspects. Every student will get the ‘Student Kit’. You can see the list of facilities in Student KIt below.

About Course: Professional Certificate in Dental Assistant

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ISDM Course Plan

Professional Certificate in Dental Assistant
Course Code:   PCR0DA01Eligibility: 12TH
Duration in Months: 6 MonthsDuration in Hours: 500
Minimum Age: 18 Year 



  • Candidate should have basic communication skills, reading and writing skills
  • Candidate should have writing skills in English and local language
  • Candidate must have enthusiasm to become First Aid Facilitator



This standard concerns the preparation and maintenance of environments, instruments and equipment for clinical dental procedures, and the control of infection and cross-infection. It includes general cleaning, preparing the appropriate materials for clinical procedures, handling waste and spillage, routine maintenance, stock control and sterilisation..


Subject 1


Prepare and maintain environments, instruments and equipment for clinical dental procedures

·         Efficiently disinfect and prepare patient treatment areas

·         Set up equipment, instruments and required materials for scheduled dental procedure

·         Complete the preparations for the patient treatment in a timely manner as per the relevant procedures and protocols of the provider.

·         Properly prepare, sterilise and store required instruments and equipment as per the protocols and guidelines

·         Understand the clinical procedural requirements of the patient

·         Prepare and implement patient risk management procedures

·         Ensure access to the dental treatment area and chair is appropriately provided

·         Recognise the boundary of one’s role and responsibility and seek supervision from superior when situations are beyond one’s competence and authority

·         Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

·         Maintain competence within one’s role and field of practice

·         Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

·         Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of practise

·         Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements practice

Subject 2


Efficiently schedule patient’s appointment

·         considering the available resources, minimising patient wait time and non-productive time of staff

·         Make the appointments as per the requirements of the patient, and healthcare provider policies and guidelines

·         Schedule appointments that facilitates smooth patient flow and ease of patient transitions

·         Accurately document the appointments in a timely manner

·         Effectively adjust the treatment plans and schedules to meet changing needs

·         Develop patient treatment plan in consultation with dentist and ensure that

·         Determine the treatment requirements of the patient

·         Prepare and implement patient risk management procedures

·         Recognise the boundary of one’s role and responsibility and seek supervision from superior when situations are beyond one’s competence and authority

·         Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

·         Maintain competence within one’s role and field of practice

·         Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

·         Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of practice

·         Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

·         Recognise the boundary of one’s role and responsibility and seek supervision from superior when situations are beyond one’s competence and authority

·         Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

·         Maintain competence within one’s role and field of

·         practice

·         Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

·         Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of practise

·         Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements practice

Subject 3Provide chairside support during the prevention and control of periodontal disease and caries and the restoration of cavities

·         Assist in performing the procedure to thoroughly rinse the mouth and floss teeth contacts to ensure that it is

·         free of debris

·         Assist in ensuring that teeth are polished, free of plaque, glossy and uniformly reflect light

·         Assist in ensuring that soft tissue gingiva is free of trauma evidence

·         Assist in applying topical fluorides following the recommended application procedures of each fluoride agent

·         Assist in preparing the teeth and sealant material according to the dental therapeutic guidelines and directions of manufacturer

·         Assist in achieving thorough, even and appropriately coverage of all indicated pits and fissures

·         Assist in ensuring teeth are flossed and free of excess sealant material

·         Assist in ensuring timely implementation of appropriate procedures

·         Recognise the boundary of one’s role and responsibility and seek supervision from superior when situations are beyond one’s competence and authority

·         Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

·         Maintain competence within one’s role and field of

·         practice

·         Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

·         Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of practice

·         14. Evaluate and reflect the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Subject 4Provide chairside support during the provision of fixed and removable prostheses

·         Assist in matching shade to patient’s dentition and document it

·         Assist in implementing appropriate, safe and effective local anaesthetic agents as per the dental anaesthesia standards

·         Assist in managing the suspected or known local and systemic complications related to administration of local anaesthesia

·         Assist in performing the procedure to thoroughly clean the mouth to ensure that it is free of saliva, blood, water and debris

·         Assist in matching shade to the patient’s dentition and document it

·         Punch rubber dam pattern as per the appropriate industry punch size and pattern

·         Assist in choosing appropriate rubber dam retainer to fit shape and size of tooth

·         Assist in appropriately attaching ligature to the bow of the dental dam retainer and fit retainer firmly around the tooth without impinging on gum tissue

·         Assist in flossing the rubber dam and tuck it between each isolated tooth

·         Assist in selecting and setting up appropriate matrix and ensure matrix band is accurately contoured, fitting

·         the tooth

·         Assist in placing a wedge in the contact area of interproximal restorations and carefully remove the wedge using appropriate dental instruments

·         12. Assist in loosening the matrix band and remove it

Subject 5Provide chairside support during the extraction of teeth and minor oral surgery


·         Assist in accurately implementing appropriate, safe and effective local anaesthetic agents as per the dental anaesthesia standards

·         Assist in appropriately and effectively managing the suspected or known local and systemic complications related to administration of local anaesthesia

·         Efficiently and smoothly transfer instruments, equipment and materials

·         Assist in performing procedures to thoroughly clean the mouth to ensure that it is free of saliva, blood, water

·         and debris

·         Assist in properly and thoroughly remove sutures

·         Assist in freeing the Internal wound tissues of external contamination

·         Assist in gently packing extraction site in medicament dipped, appropriate packing material

·         Assist in controlling all bleeding

·         Provide all prescriptions and patient items to the patient

·         Clearly and accurately instruct the patient on follow- up procedures

·         Assist in ensuring that the adjacent soft tissue remains intact without signs of trauma

·         Assist in ensuring timely implementation of appropriate

·         procedures

·         Recognise the boundary of one’s role and responsibility and seek supervision from superior when situations are beyond one’s competence and authority

·         Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

·         Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times


Subject 6Provide chairside support during non- surgical endodontic treatment


·         Assist in accurately implementing appropriate, safe and effective local anaesthetic agents as per the dental anaesthesia standards

·         Assist in appropriately and effectively managing the suspected or known local and systemic complications related to administration of local anaesthesia

·         Assist in punching rubber dam pattern as per the appropriate industry punch size and pattern

·         Assist in choosing appropriate rubber dam retainer to fit shape and size of tooth

·         Assist in appropriately attaching ligature to the bow of the dental dam retainer and fit retainer firmly around the tooth without impinging on gum tissue

·         Assist in flossing the rubber dam and tuck it between each isolated tooth

·         Efficiently and smoothly transfer instruments, equipment and materials

·         Assist in exposing, processing and mounting radiographs that are clear of exposure and contain appropriate teeth and anatomy

·         Assist in performing procedures to thoroughly clean the mouth to ensure that it is free of saliva, blood, water and debris

·         Assist in placing temporary filling, ensuring that the temporary site is cleaned, dried and isolated properly as per the guidelines

·         Assist in ensuring that temporary material is accurately placed and adapted into the cavity/preparation

·         Assist in ensuring that temporary filling is free of excess material

·         Assist in controlling all bleeding

·         Provide all prescriptions and patient items to the patient

·         Clearly and accurately instruct the patient on follow- up procedures

·         Assist in ensuring timely implementation of appropriate procedures

·         Recognise the boundary of one’s role and responsibility and seek supervision

·         Establish trust and rapport with colleagues 19. Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

·         Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of practice

·         21. Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Subject 7Provide chairside support during the prevention and control of periodontal disease and caries and the restoration of cavities


·         Assist in taking impressions that include all teeth present, surrounding tissues and appropriate landmark

·         Assist in taking impressions that are free of bubbles, tears and voids

·         Assist in taking impressions that accurately establish centric relationship with approved methods

·         Assist in fabricating diagnostic cast as per the guidelines, with proper plane of occlusion, trimming and thickness

·         Assist in fabricating custom tray that fits and

·         adapts to arch without impinging tissue

·         Assist in ensuring that custom tray is free sharp edges, compounds, waxes and debris

·         Assist in maintaining proper room of the impression material between the tray and the teeth

·         Assist in fabricating Maxillary tray that covers the teeth and hard palate and extends slightly behind the gingival margin but not into the mucobuccal fold

·         Assist in fabricating Mandibular tray that covers the teeth and extends beyond the gingival margin but not into the mucobuccal fold

·         Assist in reparing tray and material according to the Instructions

·         Efficiently and smoothly transfer instruments, equipment and materials

·         Assist in performing procedures to thoroughly clean the mouth to ensure that it is free of saliva, blood, water and debris

·         Assist in controlling all bleeding

·         Assist in providing all prescriptions and patient items to the patient

·         Assist in instructing the patient on follow-up procedures

·         Assist in ensuring timely implementation of appropriate

·         procedures

·         Recognise the boundary of one’s role and responsibility and seek supervision from superior when situations are beyond one’s competence and authority

·         Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

·         Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

·         Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of practice

·         Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements


Subject 8Provide chairside support during the provision of fixed and removable prostheses


·         Assist in implementing appropriate, safe and effective local anaesthetic agents as per the dental anaesthesia

·         standards

·         Assist in managing the suspected or known local and systemic complications related to administration of local

·         anaesthesia

·         Assist in preparing wound site and dressing material, and

·         carefully place dressing covering entire wound site

·         Assist in properly adapting the dressing to the teeth and adjacent soft tissues for appropriate coverage and maximum retention without occlusal interference

·         Transfer instruments, equipment and materials

·         safely without causing any damage

·         Assist in performing procedures to thoroughly clean the mouth to ensure that it is free of saliva, blood, water and debris

·         Assist in providing all prescriptions and patient items to the patient

·         Instruct the patient on follow-up procedures

·         Assist in ensuring timely implementation of appropriate

·         procedures

·         Recognise the boundary of one’s role and responsibility and seek supervision from superior when situations are beyond one’s competence and authority

·         Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

·         Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team

·         Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of practice

·         Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Subject 9Provide chairside support for the prevention and control of periodontal disease and caries and the restoration of cavities


·         Assist in implementing appropriate, safe and effective local anaesthetic agents as per the dental anaesthesia standards

·         Assist in managing the suspected or known local and systemic complications related to administration of local

·         anaesthesia

·         Assist in preparing wound site and dressing material, and

·         carefully place dressing covering entire wound site

·         Assist in properly adapting the dressing to the teeth and adjacent soft tissues for appropriate coverage and maximum retention without occlusal interference safely without causing any damage

·         Assist in performing procedures to thoroughly clean the mouth to ensure that it is free of saliva, blood, water and debris

·         Assist in providing all prescriptions and patient items to the patient

·         Instruct the patient on follow-up procedures

·         Assist in ensuring timely implementation of appropriate procedures from superior when situations are beyond one’s

·         competence and authority

·         Recognise the boundary of one’s role and responsibility and seek supervision

·         Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

·         Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

·         Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the

·         quality and safety of practice

·         Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Subject 10Provide chairside support during the provision of fixed and removable prostheses

·         Assist in providing all prescriptions and patient items to the patient

·         Instruct the patient on follow-up procedures

·         Assist in ensuring timely implementation of appropriate procedures from superior when situations are beyond one’s competence and authority

·         Recognise the boundary of one’s role and responsibility and seek supervision

·         Establish trust and rapport with colleagues

·         Promote and demonstrate good practice as an individual and as a team member at all times

·         Identify and manage potential and actual risks to the quality and safety of practice

·         Evaluate and reflect on the quality of one’s work and make continuing improvements

Subject 11Make sure your own actions reduce risks to health and safety

·         Identify individual responsibilities in relation to maintaining workplace health safety and security requirements

·         Comply with health, safety and security procedures

·         for the workplace

·         Report any identified breaches in health, safety, and security procedures to the designated person

·         Identify potential hazards and breaches of safe work practices

·         Correct any hazards that individual can deal with safely, competently and within the limits of authority

·         Promptly and accurately report the hazards that individual is not allowed to deal with, to the relevant person and warn other people who may get affected

·         Follow the organisation’s emergency procedures promptly, calmly, and efficiently

·         Identify and recommend opportunities for improving

·         health, safety, and security to the designated person

·         Complete any health and safety records legibly and accurately

Subject 12Contribute to the effectiveness of work teams


·         Communicate with other people clearly and effectively

·         Integrate one’s work with other people’s work effectively

·         Pass on essential information to other people on timely basis

·         Work in a way that shows respect for other people

·         Carry out any commitments made to other people

·         Reason out the failure to fulfil commitment

·         Identify any problems with team members and other people and take the initiative to solve these problems

·         8. Follow the organisation’s policies and procedures

Subject 13Manage and organise your own time and activities


·         Clearly establish, agree, and record the work requirements

·         Utilise time effectively

·         Ensure his/her work meets the agreed requirements

·         Treat confidential information correctly

·         Work in line with the organisation’s procedures and policies and within the limits of his/her job role

Subject 14Disposal of clinical and non clinical waste within healthcare

·         Follow the appropriate procedures, policies and protocols for the method of collection and containment level according to the waste type

·         Apply appropriate health and safety measures and standard precautions for infection prevention and control and personal protective equipment relevant to the type and category of

·         waste

·         Segregate the waste material from work areas in line with current legislation and organisational requirements

·         Segregation should happen at source with proper containment, by using different color coded bins for different categories of waste

·         Check the accuracy of the labelling that identifies the type and content of waste

·         Confirm suitability of containers for any required course of action appropriate to the type of waste disposal

·         Check the waste has undergone the required processes to  Make it safe for transport and disposal

·         Transport the waste to the disposal site, taking into consideration its associated risks

·         Report and deal with spillages and contamination in accordance with current legislation and procedures

·         Maintain full, accurate and legible records of information and store in correct location in line with current legislation, guidelines,

·         local policies and protocols

Subject 15Computer Knowledge and Skills for MSR

  • Compile and analyse the reports
  • Deliver presentations using basic computer operating Skill
  • Communicate using email
  • Submit the online sales reports and facilitate the online product surveys


Subject 16Soft Skills & Spoken English

  • Practice basics of communication while communicating with stakeholders, doctors, traders & with other regulatory bodies.
  • Pronounce the product name correctly
  • Practice basic English grammar while communicating product specifications to target customers/ clients
  • Practice corporate manners & etiquettes while interacting with customers and stakeholders.
  • Deliver presentation & demonstration of the product with confidence
  • Follow dress code as per organisation guidelines
Subject 17Workshop and Internship

  • Perform information gathering about product and competitor under supervision of a mentor
  • Interact with customers for promoting and selling products and assist in providing after sales service to the mentor
  • Assist in organizing medical conferences and execution of promotional events


Assessment Instructions

  • Assessment mode is online.
  • Final assessment will be based on objective type/true-false/matching type questions.
  • Minimum Passing Marks is 50%
  • Student will get 3 credits for re-attempt.
  • Student will get a Certificate of Completion after pass online assessment.
  • Student must have to carry the admit card in exam, issued by the Auth. Training Center.
  • Result will be declared in 24 hours to 1 week after examination.
  • Student can the detailed answer sheet of examination on request.


Practical 75%
Theory 25%

Every Student will get

  • Admission Form and Prospectus
  • Identity Card
  • ISDM E-Library Access
  • Free Registration worth Rs. 2500/- on Job Portal JobFixer for Job Placements
  • Online Classes/Video Lectures with lifetime access (Only in some courses)
  • Certificate of Completion

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